Monday 1 December 2014

My Personal Fitness Story

Welcome friends, both old and new.

 I'd like to start by sharing a little bit about myself and my personal fitness journey. My Passion for fitness grew after a two year(now long term) journey and lifetime battle with my weight. After having my daughter I was at my heaviest weight ever... 240lbs! I spent the majority of my teen years overweight so I was never comfortable in my own skin. After months of lethargy and complaining, I finally reached a breaking point and knew I had to change. I got my butt into gear and starting making small changes, starting with my eating habits. Slowly but surely the weight started to shed off. I had a lot more energy and I had unintentionally turned into a badass fitmom!

In April of 2013 I decided I wanted to make fitness a part of my career. So with a one year old, I knuckled down and started to study! I knew then, that both physically and mentally, I was powerful enough to overcome any obstacle thrown at me! I tracked my progress using social media and before I knew it, was encouraging thousands of people JUST LIKE ME on their own journeys. I knew I could help others feel as fantastic as I do by showing them how possible this is to achieve. I started to work at a large gym chain but unfortunately, this sales position was not for me. That is when I decided to branch out on my own and become self employed. I now train a handful of the most amazing, committed and driven ladies in the Fraser Valley area of British Columbia. My aim is to show you ladies that it is never too late to get started! We have our bad days, but that doesn't make it a bad life! Now get out there and kick today's butt!!

Me in July 2012 and October 2013
Top picture is October 2013, Bottom August 2012

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